20/100: Annual August Annihilation of Accessories

When I was a teacher, every single August, without fail and without a plan, I would un-decorate my house. About a week after school started, I would come home and do the following:
  1. Take everything off the walls
  2. Remove throw pillows and blankets
  3. Take accessories off shelves
  4. Pack up decor that was only for decor
My brain could not handle any excess visual clutter. When you go back to being around a lot of people (I taught 120-150 kids every day) after a whole summer of only seeing a normal number of people, it can be very overwhelming- and of course totally exhausting. So, why am I writing about this in November? 
A lot of times, the holidays can feel overwhelming for a lot of different reasons. Sometimes, they are deeply emotional and sad, other times, just confusing or so freaking busy. Let’s learn from the Annual August Annihilation of Accessories:
  1. Yes, it is SO FUN to decorate for the holidays, but it also feels so good to take it all down in January. This year I really tried to keep that in mind and keep my holiday decor twinkly but also minimal. Right now, I just have garland, my tree, and candles. I took down my stockings and a lot of other decor because it just felt like too much for my house this year. You are in your space more than anyone, don’t feel obligated to put it all up because you have it. A bonus: next year, it will feel like new decor if you don’t use it this year! 
  2. When things get crazy, you go calm. We are all so busy running to holiday parties, school functions, family traditions, all while trying to get your shopping done! You want you home to be a relaxing place when you settle for the night. There is nothing worse than moving 800 pillows just to sit down or flop on your couch after a long day.
  3. TOO MUCH STUFF. If you are a gift person, your house item quantity is about to increase! This is the perfect time to purge so when you bring home all of your new things, you have space to put them away where they actually go. 
  4. New Year: Is there anything better than starting a new year with a fresh and clean house? Make it easier on yourself, declutter now! Look at everything in your house analytically. Do you like it, or is it a placeholder? Do you like it, or is it old or a gift? Do you like it, or are you keeping it out of guilt? Let that shit go! The holidays are so much better when your environment is open, clear, and not as packed to the brim! 
Do you declutter often? What’s your plan of attack?!

21/100: Losing Over 50 Pounds in 5 Months


19/100: Why Jewelry?