5/100:Dumb Things I Learned 1 Month In To 2023

Do you ever have realizations that feel like a V8 Commercial? Just complete clarity and understanding. Here are some of the dumbest things I learned by February 1st that I probably should have learned a long time ago. 

Having milk in the fridge is homey.

I bought a gallon of milk and used it to make chocolate milk just to satisfy a craving. Opening the fridge to see the milk just really took me back to being a kid. This isn’t something I’ve continued, because calories, but it was such a grown up, homey feeling. If you drink milk, do you feel this way?? 

“I have enough time if I use my time wisely.”

This was a mantra I came up with in January. I waste more time than I use correctly. I realized I was always saying, “When I have more time,” or “I’m too busy.” In reality, I didn’t want to stop scrolling or doing dumb shit. I started saying this as a reminder to myself to use my time and stop fake complaining. 

Eating at home is homey.

Searching for home, huh? This is so true though. I really started cooking so much more in January. I love the act of sharing a meal, but when you can set the tone and right mood, it really can make the atmosphere so special. My mom must have always done that growing up and I recently just stumbled upon how to recreate it. Here are my tips: 1. Leave the kitchen on- leave the mess, the lights, the dishes, all of it. Stopping to eat and seeing the proof of a homemade meal helped me enjoy the mediocre food I prepared even more. 2. Turn on all the lamps. Make it cozy. 3. Drink out of a glass- not a tumbler or travel mug. We always did this as a kid and I really got away from it. So simple, but helped a lot. 

Having money to pick up coffee creamer and necessities is a luxury that should be normal for me.

I talked a lot about budgeting in my January recap. It is something I’m really working on this year! I have lived paycheck to paycheck for a long time and often wouldn’t have money to pick something up from the grocery store on Thursday nights before payday (really the week of, buuuut this is the most real.) I started planning on a cushion here and it just felt like luxury. Being able to stop at the store, run in and get whatever, felt like I was really living high on the hog.  
I jotted down this list in February and never published it. I have since revisited and a lot of them have stuck and I’ve grown these practices. Still learning though? What’s one of the dumbest things you’ve learned this year?

6/100:Puppy Chow Recipe


4/100: January Recap