14/100: Services: Custom Projects

If you missed it,  Lucy Lou’s is now offering a variety of services! I wrote more about what made this decision to come to life here! Definitely check that out if you want to know more about the overall purpose and possibility of this option!
The last option (currently) available is for any custom project that you might have. On the site, I haven’t listed options, because this could literally be anything!! Here are some examples of off job projects I have done or assisted with in the past! 
Bulletin Board Making: I have a great hack for this! Using insulation, plywood, and fabric, you can create a giant custom bulletin board for under $100! I’m sharing more about this this week, but it is one of the most fun, large-scale projects I’ve done!
Refinishing Furniture: In the past, I have painted and stained so much furniture and made so many mistakes. Let me do this for you or help you!! Bringing furniture back to life is so special because it really honors the story of the piece! Especially if it is one you have had for a while!
Design Install: While this mostly pertains to my house, I’ve done plenty of DIYs that I feel confident taking yours on or helping you feel empowered to do it! I’ve done wallpaper, board and batten, stencils, and more! Removing cabinet doors? Painting cabinets? Let’s do it!
Organization: There is almost nothing I love more than organizing other peoples’ things. Something about not living with things daily makes you see their purpose and place more clearly. I cannot even tell you how many friends I’ve stayed up with late at night going through their bathroom (or whole apartment!) clearing out and reorganizing! 

The possibilities really are endless! If you have a project that you just don’t have time to get to or don’t know where to start, let’s chat for free and come up with a plan! Here’s the link to get started!


15/100: February Monthly Recap


13/100: Services: Digital Design